
One spring day in 2011, having just moved to the United States after living in Germany for over three years, a friend asked me questions about living abroad.  I recounted some stories of our adventures and she quickly responded “You have to write a blog.”  I wouldn’t have thought much of it, except she was the third person in as many weeks to tell me I needed to write this stuff down.  And so it began. . .

Welcome! This blog is a space where I share a little bit of everything, not just tidbits related to our travel and living abroad.  American by citizenship, I have spent a third of my life living outside the United States and have been to over 50 countries.    My husband and I have four children.   Due to the nature of my husband’s work, we are always on the move.  We currently reside in Washington, DC.

The more we travel and meet new people and places, the more we learn about our Creator and what is on His heart and mind.  We hope to never lose our sense of adventure and awe as we sojourn in our city and around the world. My hope is that my writing encourages you to get out and explore and seek to understand the unknown and unfamiliar, even if you have small children.  

Currently most of my creative processing time is spent writing a book on common grace.  You can also find me infrequently posting on Twitter @willtravelwkids.

~ Heidi

P.S. All pictures were taken by me (or my husband) unless otherwise noted.

Articles in online publications:

The Trafficker Next DoorHighlighting the connection between pornography and human trafficking, a post published by Heather Davis Nelson at Hidden Glory and linked to by the Gospel Coalition.

How Should Christians Respond to Tragedy?Three Christian responses to tragedy on iBelieve.com

Lessons from an Ill-Fated Holiday Feast Shared by Marilyn Gardner at Communicating Across Boundaries, this is a story of one memorable Thanksgiving meal that took place the evening I returned home from boarding school after a rough/normal multiple-day journey from Kenya to Mozambique.

Why I Stopped Reading Bible Story Books to My Children – on NoPerfectParents.com

My writing is also featured in The Gospel Coalition and Christianity Today

15 responses to “About”

  1. Hi, just read and appreciated your article on Gospel coalition and also read that you had been in East Africa. Was wondering if you had been in Kenya, and possibly at RVA? i was a dorm parent there in the early 80’s. Also, my husband and i were stationed in Germany with the Army from 1986-1989.

  2. Yes! I’ll send you a note via your contact info on your website. Thanks for asking.

  3. Heidi, thank you for your challenge at TGC for churches to take up “kid care” this fall. I’d love to hear if (since your article or before) you know of any churches doing anything like you described. We’re interested, but examples are always useful!

  4. Hey Sarah! How fun to find a friend through TGC. I had a college friend I had lost touch with contact me as well after seeing an article. I love how those connections are made. You are well-versed in goodbyes as well, I’m sure. I hope you have a good transition to your new location. Let me know if you’re ever in San Diego!

  5. Heidi – found you and your blog on the TGC Instagram page because I clicked on your story about the Good in Goodbyes. Loved it- especially as I just moved to another state with my kids. Excited to find your blog and “catch up” on your life since Kenya!

  6. So glad to connect with you! I have heard stories of family visits and am sorry we’ve never had the opportunity to meet in person. Thanks for your encouraging words! It’s been enjoyable recounting our experiences and I’m glad YOU are encouraged.

  7. Hello Heidi: I am Paul’s first cousin (Margaret was my father’s older sister). Paul and Mary Ann visited us in Mill City, OR several years ago and Vivian (my wife of 43 years) and I visited Ransom and Margaret in Glenview in 1978. That is the sum of our life’s face to face contact with your family — sorry I have never had the privilege of meeting you and your family. I got up early enough this morning to take time with your folk’s e-mail update and clicked on your link — so glad I did. May the LORD richly bless you with health in you family, overflowing peace in your inner being, and continued zest to uplift the world with your blog!

  8. I’m so glad I found your blog and I really do think we have a lot in common. =) We’ve seen just a little bit of all Asia has to offer but we are checking places off our list in between moves, pregnancies and births.

  9. Thanks for visiting! I checked out your blog and we have tons in common. We haven’t visited Asia much or ever lived there. . . yet. I’ll use your travel posts as a guide and look forward to when we get to experience wonderful Asia more.

  10. Hi! I’m so happy I stumbled upon your blog! I look forward to reading about your adventures and your travels! And I agree with you, the more places I see, the more of Our Creator’s heart I experience.

  11. “The more we travel and meet new people and new places, the more we learn about our Creator and what is on His heart and mind” – Love this so.much.

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